Cabalar Bridge

This bridge over the Cabalar River has a single arch and a stone roadway. It was rebuilt in 1832 and came to replace another one that existed there, as a Roman road passed through it, although practically nothing of its Roman structure has survived to the present day.
In addition to the constructive value of this officially recognised historic-artistic monument, the surrounding landscape is also worth taking in, especially the two mills and the beauty of the charming and picturesque spot, surrounded by trees and a continuous murmur of the running water, with the added curiosity of an old chocolate factory built by José Salgado in 1889.
Medieval and Jacobean Route, running from Tierras de Sanabria to Sobrado de Trives, and merging with Via XVIII at the Cabalar Bridge. This Roman road is still in good condition along this stretch.
Cabalar Bridge
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A Pobra de Trives