
Lodeiro Museum

Museums and exhibition halls

The Lodeiro Museum features 300 works hand sculpted in stone and wood, roots and paint by the local sculptor Darío Lodeiro. They are divided up into four rooms: two of them on the ground floor and two upstairs, with a surface area of approximately 200 square metres.

The Lodeiro Museum is in the old city of Monforte, in the alley next to Plaza Doctor Goyanes, which is known for the narrowest house in Spain, featured in the Guinness book of records. The house in which the museum has been installed was the Hotel Europa in the last century and was restored specially by the Lodeiro family to house the exhibit. 200 years old and part of the Monforte municipal heritage, this was the ideal place for the museum.

One part of Mr Lodeiro’s work has literary themes, for example, from Cervantes, a wooden Sancho and Quixote that are almost life-size, and their busts in granite. There are also figures linked with the history of Galicia, such as Rosalía de Castro, one of its major female poets; a bust of Caesar Augustus, the founder of the city of Lugo; and the Counts of Lemos.

One of the other attractions of the museum are the natural pieces, mainly tree roots, that Lodeiro chose because of their impact on the eyes and the senses. They are works that do not require intervention, beyond cleaning and preparation, because they already have figures in themselves.

Lodeiro Museum

Information and contact


Armando Cotarelo, 7

Monforte de Lemos

27400 Lugo

Opening times
Tuesday to Sunday 10:30 AM-1:30 PM y 5:30 PM-8:00 PM
€5 (individual); €4 (groups up 6 people and pensioners); free for children under 10 years


Reduced Mobility
By Bike
By Car
Directions Directions