Navea Bridge

Puente Navea is a bridge on the Via Nova or Via XVIII of the Antonine Itinerary that linked the cities of Bracara Augusta (Braga) and Asturica Augusta (Astorga) built under the rule of the emperors Titus and Domitian around 80 AD.
The Navea River traces the dividing line between the municipalities of San Xoán de Río and A Pobra de Trives through a narrow valley, before converging with the Bibei.
The current bridge is 3.75 metres wide and nearly 30 metres long. Its single pointed arch structure, with a span of 20 metres, dates back to medieval times. The primitive Roman version was much larger, possibly with two openings, so that the Roman legions could pass through comfortably.
This origin can be seen in the cushioned stonework of the vault starts, abutments and channelling walls, where it is possible to discover the traces produced by the extraction of the iron anchors between the stonework. The abundant remains of the Roman structure have been inventoried and catalogued with the highest category in the Inventory of Historic Bridges of Galicia and it has been declared an Asset of Cultural Interest since 1991.
A Roman milestone dedicated to the emperors Titus and Domitian (reused in the doorway of an alpendre) was discovered near the bridge, as well as other tombstones dedicated to Aelius Sporus and Popolius Hirsutus. It is also known that very close to this pass, perhaps in Trives Vello, was the Roman mansion of Nemetóbrica, formerly Nemetóbriga, capital of the Galician tribe of the Tíburi.
Another surprising feature next to the bridge is the traditional architecture, with houses and alpendres of surprising antiquity; a magnificent natural setting, comprising oak and chestnut trees; and the Chapel of the Incarnation, with a Cross of the Order of Malta, which suggests the existence of a pilgrimage route to Santiago and possibly a collection point for passing over the bridge and a hostel on the way.
Navea Bridge
Information and contact

Estrada OU-536, km. 66
San Xoán de Río - A Pobra de Trives