"Daughters of a Xacia" Mural

This mural is based on a traditional legend from the Ribeira Sacra (Ourense) area, found in the book entitled "Reseña histórico-descriptiva de la parroquia de Vilar de Ortelle y su comarca" (A Historical-Descriptive Summary of the Parish of Vilar de Ortelle and the Local Municipalities) by Ramón Castro López (1929), republished in the year 2000.
It is the story of a man who fell in love with a beautiful xacia, and she told him that if he baptised her, she would become human and marry him. They had several sons and daughters, who all loved to go swimming at every opportunity. For this reason, their father once became angry and shouted at them \"Go away, you children of a xacia!\" This led to a huge argument, and his wife ended up leaving and returning to her home beneath the river. When her husband went to find her, he found that the other xacios had killed her and torn her body apart because she had been baptised.
Mural and text by Miguel Peralta and Xoana Almar (Cestola na Cachola). Ferreira de Pantón (Lugo). 2015. Created as part of the project "A Touch of Colour in Ribeira Sacra"
Mural Hijas de una xacia
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