The magic which envelops every part of the Ribeira Sacra is most clearly represented in the variety of festivals celebrated in its different municipalities.
There are festivals celebrating fire, Carnival and traditional trades and exalting wine and cuisine. Also very important, of course, are pilgrimages: festivals which began as religious and commercial celebrations and which are now excellent excuses to come together and enjoy food, conversation and wine.
Some of these celebrations have been declared Galician Festivals of Tourist Interest, such as the Feria do Viño de Amandi (Amandi Wine Fair) in Sober or the Folión de Carros(Cart Festival) in Chantada: a celebration dating back to the Middle Ages which represents the agricultural trades and work carried out in the area. The Festa das Fachas de Castelo (Castelo Torch Burning Festival) in Taboada has also been awarded this title, seeing locals and visitors build a large torch made of straw before its flames light up the night.
Below, we have compiled a list of the main festivals celebrated in the different municipalities of the Ribeira Sacra.
A Teixeira
Fiesta del Vino Nuevo (New Wine Festival), November
A Pobra do Brollón
Feria del vino de Vilachá (Vilachá Wine Festival), 1st weekend of May
Oso Salcedo (Salcedo Bear), Carnival Monday
Fiesta de la carne ao caldeiro (Stewed Beef Festival), 2nd Sunday of April.
Entroido Ribeirao(Ribeiran Carnival)
Feria del vino de Chantada (Chantada Wine Fair), 2nd weekend of March
Fiesta de la empanada de Chantada (Chantada Pie Festival), last Tuesday of the Patron Saint festivals, beginning on 4th week of August
Folión de carros (Cart Festival), 4th Saturday of August. Festival of Tourist Interest
Mount Faro pilgrimage, 15 August and 8 September
San Lucas pilgrimage. 18 October
Fairs on 5th and 21st of each month.
Castro Caldelas
Fachós de Castro Caldelas,19 de enero
Fiestas de la Asunción (Assumption of Mary Festival), 14, 15 and 16 August.
Fiesta de la carne (Meat Festival), 12 October
Monforte de Lemos
San Mateo pilgrimage, 21 September
Nogueira de Ramuín
Magosto de San Martiño (San Martiño Chestnut Festival), 11 November
O Saviñao
Carnaval Ribeirao (Ribeiran Carnival)
Diomondi pilgrimage
Feria del vino de Pantón (Pantón Wine Fair), 1st Sunday of June
Augas Santas pilgrimage
Parada de Sil
San Ramón, 31 October
Magosto de San Martiño en Sacardebois, 12 de noviembre
San Benito pilgrimage
Fiesta de la Ternera Gallega (Galician Beef Festival), 15 May
Fiesta del aguardiente (Liquor Festival), 1st Sunday of Easter
Domingos folclóricos (Folklore Sundays), mid-August
Fiesta de la angula (Eel Festival), 6 September
Feria del Vino (Wine Fair), Easter Sunday
Olive Oil Fair, between February and March
Honey Fair, 10 August
Ribas de Sil
Fiesta de la cereza y del aceite (Cherry and Olive Oil Festival), 2nd Sunday of June.
San Clodio pilgrimage, 30 and 31 October
Feria del vino de Amandi (Amandi Wine Fair), Palm Sunday
Cadeiras pilgrimage
Fiesta de la Rosca (Rosca Cake Festival), 12 August
Fiesta del caldo de huesos (Bone Broth Festival), Carnival Sunday.
Fiesta de las Fachas de Castelo(Castelo Torch Burning Festival), 7 September
Xunqueira de Espadanedo
Felos de Pardeconde, Carnaval (Pardeconde Mask Festival, Carnival)
Sábado Longo (Long Saturday), Easter Week.