Lemos Mansion

It is one of the oldest buildings in Chantada, dating from the 16th century, and originally it was a stable, to which a number of rooms were subsequently added.
The house was the reason for a number of lawsuits, leading the Marquis of Astorga to intervene with a court order.
Two of its sides have arcades with a wooden roof and columns of varying shapes from different times. It has a large, prominent chimney and the layout and design of is windows is very unusual.
On the west wall is a broken stone coat of arms believed to date from before 1688, which were probably the arms of Pedro de Moure Ulloa, the parish priest of Chantada.
Before being remodelled, the house was the property of Faustino Vilaseco who, together with his wife, donated the house to be the municipal Cultural centre. The restoration work was done by the architect Gallego Jorreto and it was inaugurated on 19th October 1990.
Casa Grande de Lemos
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