
The Esperanza, a Vaqueira de Quintela Mural

Street Art

The artist is popularly known in Galicia for his series ‘Fenómenas do Rural’ (Rural Phenomena), where he portrays our ‘Galician super-grandmothers’. This work highlights one named Esperanza, ‘A Vaqueira de Quintela ’ (The Quintela Cowgirl).

When they told him about Esperanza's personality and enthusiasm, Yoseba didn't think twice and went to visit her to sketch what would eventually become his next "super-grandmother".

Yoseba met and got to know Esperanza and all the animals that she still looks after in Quintela. He then decided to represent her with her favourite animal, her cows, transforming her into the ‘Cowgirl of Quintela’.

Artwork by Yoseba Muruzábel (Yoseba MP) in October 2022, as part of the ‘Máis que cor na Ribeira Sacra’ Mural Festival.

Don't miss!

The interesting murals and artwork in and around Castro Caldelas. Created during the Mural Festival: O Chuchamel, Os Fachós, Cámbiache a Mirada, Danza das Cocas; or others such as O Irrio and the contemporary sgraffito piece in Praza da Torre.

Mural Esperanza, A Vaqueira de Quintela

Information and contact


Rúa Corredoira, 6

Castro Caldelas

32760 Ourense

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Free of charge


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