
Sgraffito in Casa do Camiñas (Taboada)

Sgraffito decorations

A 19th-century building, a sizeable farmstead, constructed by the master stonemason Ramón Vilasante in Campo (Taboada).

In the decoration of limestone over masonry facing, the main feature is the backfill with curved lines delineated by perimeter strips, among which a group of pipers (bagpipes, tambourine and bass drum) and a pair of dancers are notable. Over the doorway is a line of sgraffito glasses and bottles.

In the surrounding areas, there are various heritage sites and places of tourist interest. A parish church with Romanesque remains, an age-old granary with sculptural finishes (a hunter and doves over the cross), a crucifix, a dovecot and a bandstand. A well-conserved architectural ensemble, located to one side of the parish festival space, surrounded by chestnut and walnut trees, in a setting of considerable cultural and environmental value.

The Casa do Camiñas is located in the hamlet of Abelairas, an easily accessible spot around 700 metres from the N-540 road (almost exactly halfway between Lugo and Ourense), a highly visible place of transit, as it is opposite San Xulián do Campo parish church.

Casa do Camiñas

Information and contact


Lg. Abelairas


27555 Lugo

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Free of charge


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