
Galicia Railway Museum

The Galicia Railway Museum has taken over the facilities of the steam traction storehouse, which was one of the most important in Spain at the time.
In 1883 King Alphonso 12th inaugurated the Madrid, A Coruña, Monforte de Lemos line, which became an important railway hub, making the city a driving force until its decline in the mid-20th century.
The most notable feature of the museum is the horseshoe-shaped roundhouse, which has 38 radiating lines and a turntable that are unique in Spain. You can also see locomotives and wagons from different periods, as well as a theme park of small-scale manned trains.
Galicia Railway Museum
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Information and contact

Prolongación Padre Feijoo, s/n
Monforte de Lemos
27400 Lugo


€4 (without guided tour)
€2 Children
Guided Tour: 5€ adults; 4€ children